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- Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!gatech!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!deshaw.com!do-not-use-path-to-reply
- Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 08:01:04 GMT
- Supersedes: <DAvI9w.KsE@deshaw.com>
- Expires: Sat, 12 Aug 1995 08:01:04 GMT
- Message-ID: <DBLFLs.44D@deshaw.com>
- From: netannounce@deshaw.com (Mark Moraes)
- Subject: Usenet Software: History and Sources
- Newsgroups: news.admin.misc,news.announce.newusers,news.software.readers,news.software.b,news.answers
- Followup-To: news.admin.misc
- Approved: netannounce@deshaw.com (Mark Moraes)
- Lines: 608
- Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu news.admin.misc:42742 news.announce.newusers:1901 news.software.readers:20805 news.software.b:19024 news.answers:48227
- Archive-name: usenet/software/part1
- Original-from: spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
- Comment: edited until 5/93 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
- Last-change: 1 May 1995 by netannounce@deshaw.com (Mark Moraes)
- Changes-posted-to: news.admin.misc,news.misc,news.software.readers,news.software.b,news.answers
- Currently, Usenet readers interact with the news using a number of
- software packages and programs. This article mentions the important
- ones and a little of their history, gives pointers where you can look
- for more information and ends with some special notes about "foreign"
- and "obsolete" software. At the very end is a list of sites from which
- current versions of the Usenet software may be obtained.
- Note that the number of software packages available to run news,
- especially on PCs, is increasing. This article lists only a few of
- the many news packages available, and the presence or absence of any
- particular software package should not be construed as indicating
- anything about its suitability usefulness.
- The material contained in this post is probably not 100% up-to-date.
- Many of the software packages described in this posting are undergoing
- constant development, and it is not always possible to know when new
- releases have been made. Should you discover that information in this
- post has been superseded by a new release, please send mail to the poster
- of this article with the corrected information.
- While the "official" ftp archive sites for packages are listed, note that
- most large archive sites carry news software; please try the one nearest
- to you before you use up expensive bandwidth on a trans-continental
- network link. You can check the official site for the current version
- number, if you want to make sure you're getting the latest version. In
- general, a good place to get recent versions of the more popular news
- transport and reading software by anonymous ftp is
- ftp.uu.net:/networking/news/ directory.
- History
- -------
- Usenet came into being in late 1979, shortly after the release of V7
- Unix with UUCP. Two Duke University grad students in North Carolina,
- Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis, thought of hooking computers together to
- exchange information with the Unix community. Steve Bellovin, a grad
- student at the University of North Carolina, put together the first
- version of the news software using shell scripts and installed it on
- the first two sites: "unc" and "duke." At the beginning of 1980 the
- network consisted of those two sites and "phs" (another machine at
- Duke), and was described at the January Usenix conference. Steve
- Bellovin later rewrote the scripts into C programs, but they were never
- released beyond "unc" and "duke." Shortly thereafter, Steve Daniel did
- another implementation in C for public distribution. Tom Truscott made
- further modifications, and this became the "A" news release.
- In 1981 at U. C. Berkeley, grad student Mark Horton and high school
- student Matt Glickman rewrote the news software to add functionality
- and to cope with the ever increasing volume of news -- "A" News was
- intended for only a few articles per group per day. This rewrite was
- the "B" News version. The first public release was version 2.1 in
- 1982; the 1.* versions were all beta test. As the net grew, the news
- software was expanded and modified. The last version maintained and
- released primarily by Mark was 2.10.1.
- Rick Adams, at the Center for Seismic Studies, took over coordination
- of the maintenance and enhancement of the B News software with the
- 2.10.2 release in 1984. By this time, the increasing volume of news
- was becoming a concern, and the mechanism for moderated groups was
- added to the software at 2.10.2. Moderated groups were inspired by
- ARPA mailing lists and experience with other bulletin board systems.
- In late 1986, version 2.11 of B News was released, including a number
- of changes to support a new naming structure for newsgroups, enhanced
- batching and compression, enhanced ihave/sendme control messages, and
- other features.
- The current release of B News is 2.11, patchlevel 19. Article format is
- specified in RFC 1036 (see below). B News has been declared "dead" by a
- number of people, including Rick Adams, and is unlikely to be upgraded
- further; most new UUCP sites are using C News or INN (see next
- paragraphs).
- In March 1986 a package was released implementing news transmission,
- posting, and reading using the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
- (as specified in RFC 977). This protocol allows hosts to exchange
- articles via TCP/IP connections rather than using the traditional
- uucp. It also permits users to read and post news (using a modified
- news user agent) from machines which cannot or choose not to install
- the Usenet news software. Reading and posting are done using TCP/IP
- messages to a server host which does run the Usenet software. Sites
- which have many workstations like the Sun and SGI, and HP products
- find this a convenient way to allow workstation users to read news
- without having to store articles on each system. Many of the Usenet
- hosts that are also on the Internet exchange news articles using NNTP
- because the load impact of NNTP is much lower than uucp (and NNTP
- ensures much faster propagation).
- NNTP grew out of independent work in 1984-1985 by Brian Kantor at U. C.
- San Diego and Phil Lapsley at U. C. Berkeley. Primary development was
- done at U. C. Berkeley by by Phil Lapsley with help from Erik Fair,
- Steven Grady, and Mike Meyer, among others. The NNTP package (now called
- the reference implementation) was distributed on the 4.3BSD release tape
- (although that was version 1.2a and out-of-date) and is also available on
- many major hosts by anonymous FTP. The current version is It
- includes NOV support and runs on a wide variety of systems. It is
- available from ftp.academ.com:/pub/nntp1.5/nntp. For
- those with access to the World-Wide Web on the Internet, the WWW page
- http://www.academ.com/academ/nntp.html contains a description and news
- about NNTP. A different variant, called nntp-t5, implements many of the
- extensions provided by INN (most notably News Overview NOV support -- see
- below). It is available from
- ftp.uu.net:/networking/news/nntp/nntp-t5.tar.gz.
- One new version of news, known as C News, was developed at the University
- of Toronto by Geoff Collyer and Henry Spencer. This version is a rewrite
- of the lowest levels of news to increase article processing speed,
- decrease article expiration processing and improve the reliability of the
- news system through better locking, etc. The package was released to the
- net in the autumn of 1987. For more information, see the paper "News Need
- Not Be Slow," published in The Winter 1987 Usenix Technical Conference
- proceedings. This paper is also available from ftp.cs.toronto.edu in
- doc/programming/c-news.*, and is recommended reading for all news software
- programmers. The most recent version of C News is the Sept 1994 "Cleanup
- Release." C News can be obtained by anonymous ftp from its official
- archive site, ftp.cs.toronto.edu:pub/c-news/c-news.tar.Z.
- Another Usenet system, known as InterNetNews, or INN, was written by Rich
- Salz <rsalz@uunet.uu.net>. INN is designed to run on Unix hosts that
- have a socket interface. It is optimized for larger hosts where most
- traffic uses NNTP, but it does provide full UUCP support. INN is very
- fast, and since it integrates NNTP many people find it easier to
- administer only one package. The package was publicly released on August
- 20, 1992. For more information, see the paper "InterNetNews: Usenet
- Transport for Internet Sites" published in the June 1992 Usenix Technical
- Conference Proceedings. INN can be obtained from many places, including
- the 4.4BSD tape; its official archive site is ftp.uu.net in the directory
- /networking/news/nntp/inn. The current version is 1.4sec, last release
- 22-dec-1993.
- Towards the end of 1992, Geoff Collyer implemented NOV (News Overview): a
- database that stores the important headers of all news articles as they
- arrive. This is intended for use by the implementors of news readers to
- provide fast article presentation by sorting and "threading" the article
- headers. (Before NOV, newsreaders like trn, tin and nn came with their
- own daemons and databases that used a nontrivial amount of system
- resources). NOV is fully supported by C News, INN and NNTP-t5. Most
- modern news readers use NOV to get information for their threading and
- article menu presentation; use of NOV by a newsreader is fairly easy,
- since NOV comes with sample client-side threading code.
- ANU-NEWS is news package written by Geoff Huston of Australia for VMS
- systems. ANU-NEWS is a complete news system that allows reading,
- posting, direct replies, moderated newsgroups, etc. in a fashion
- closely related to regular news. The implementation includes the RFC
- 1036 news propagation algorithms and integrated use of the NNTP
- protocols (see below) to support remote news servers, implemented as a
- VAX/VMS Decnet object. An RFC 977 server implemented as a Decnet
- object is also included. ANU-NEWS currently includes support for the
- following TCP/IP protocols: MultiNet, CMU/TEK, Wollongong WIN/TCP, UCX
- (TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS), EXOS, and TCPware. The ANU-NEWS
- interface is similar to standard DEC screen oriented systems. The
- license for the software is free, and there are no restrictions on the
- re-distribution. For more info, contact gih900@fac.anu.oz.au (Geoff
- Huston). ANU-NEWS is available for FTP from kuhub.cc.ukans.edu.
- Contact SLOANE@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU for more info.
- A screen-oriented news client for VMS that works with CMU/tek, EXOS,
- MultiNet, UCX, Wollongong and DECnet is also available via ftp from
- iraun1.ira.uka.de, info.rz.uni-ulm.de, and ftp.spc.edu (contact Bernd
- Onasch <uranus@pilhuhn.ka.sub.org> for details).
- Reader NNTP clients for VMS are also available, including VMS/VNEWS
- (current release 1.4) and an upcoming reader only version of ANU-NEWS.
- VMS/VNEWS is available via anonymous ftp from arizona.edu (contact
- jms@arizona.edu for more information) or at any site which archives
- vmsnet.source. Although the current release of ANU-NEWS is usable as
- a reader it can be difficult when used with a UNIX server.
- FNEWS is a fast news reader, for VAX/VMS and UNIX. It is basically a
- mixture of NEWSRDR and ANU-NEWS, (a bit like 'nn' in how it works) giving
- a nice (but different) full-screen interface and fast response to all
- 3000 groups without heavily loading your local machine. It works by
- caching the news indexes from a UNIX news system (CNEWS or INN), and then
- dynamically loading the items when the user wants to read them. Indexes
- are only cached for groups which are actually read, so the load and disk
- usage can be very small. FNEWS Versions are available for VMS, ALPHA-VMS
- and UNIX via anonymous ftp from grunt.marc.cri.nz in pub/fnews. Contact
- chrisp@marc.cri.nz for more information.
- A port of C News for the Commodore Amiga under AmigaDOS (NOT Unix), is
- available. The port was done by Frank J. Edwards <crash@ckctpa.uucp>,
- and available from Larry Rosenman <ler@lerami.lerctr.org>. Also,
- Matt Dillon <dillon@overload.berkely.ca.us>, has greatly improved the
- UUCP clone for AmigaDOS, currently V1.16D, available for ftp from
- ftp.uu.net in /systems/amiga/dillon. The package also includes a
- newsreader very loosely like the real rn. Dillon also has a "vn" port
- provided by Eric Lee Green. This software is also available on Bix,
- and for ftp from wuarchive.wustl.edu (many other Amiga newsreaders are
- also available on theis ftp site).
- Several popular screen-oriented news reading interfaces have been
- developed in the last few years to replace the traditional "readnews"
- interface. The first of these was "vnews" and it was written by
- Kenneth Almquist. "vnews" provides a "readnews"-like command
- interface, but displays articles using direct screen positioning. It
- appears to have been inspired, to some extent, by the "notes" system
- (described below). "vnews" is currently distributed with the standard
- 2.11 news source.
- A second, more versatile interface, "rn", was developed by Larry Wall (the
- author of Perl) and released in 1984. This interface also uses full-screen
- display with direct positioning, but it includes many other useful features
- and has been very popular with many regular net readers. The interface
- includes reading, discarding, and/or processing of articles based on
- user-definable patterns, and the ability of the user to develop customized
- macros for display and keyboard interaction. "rn" is currently at release
- 4.4.4. It is being maintained by Stan Barber <sob@academ.com>. "rn" is not
- provided with the standard news software release, but is very widely
- available because of its popularity. The software can be obtained from its
- official archive site, ftp.academ.com, using FTP. A description and some
- news about it can be found on the WWW page
- http://www.academ.com/academ/rn.html.
- Wayne Davison's "trn" is a superset of "rn". Trn adds the ability to
- follow "threads of discussions" in newsgroups; its latest version 3.6 is
- based on rn 4.4. It uses a Reference-line database to allow the user to
- take advantage of the "discussion tree" formed by an article and its
- replies. This results in a true reply-ordered reading of the articles,
- complete with a small ascii representation of the current article's
- position in the discussion tree. Trn is also capable of "menu-based"
- selection of articles, allows one to do useful things to operate on a set
- of selected newsgroups. Trn can be obtained from ftp.uu.net in the
- /networking/news/readers/trn directory, and from many other archive
- servers world-wide.
- xrn is an X11-based interface to NNTP that was written by Rick Spickelmier
- and Ellen Sentovich (UC Berkeley) and is currently maintained by Jonathan
- Kamens (OpenVision Technologies, Inc.). The current version is 7.00,
- available by anonymous ftp from ftp.x.org in /contrib/applications/xrn. xrn
- supports many features, including sorting by subject, user-settable key
- bindings, graceful handling of NNTP server crashes, and many of the features
- of rn (including KILL files and key bindings similar to rn).
- Another X11-based newsreader is xvnews, written by Dan Currie, currently
- maintained by Hans de Graaff <J.J.deGraaff@twi.tudelft.nl>. xvnews is an
- OPENLook newsreader written primarily for Sun workstations running
- OpenWindows, but it will run on any X workstation which has the XView
- libraries. It works with NNTP only, and is compatible with rn style
- commands. The current version is 2.2.1 and is available from its archive
- site ftp.twi.tudelft.nl in the /pub/news directory.
- There are two popular macro packages named "GNUS" and "Gnews" that can
- be used with the GNU Emacs text editor. These allow reading,
- replying, and posting interaction with the news from inside the Emacs
- text editor. Client code exists to get the articles using NNTP rather
- than from a local disk. Copies can be found on most archive sites
- that carry the GNU archives eg. ftp.cs.titech.ac.jp, archie.au,
- archive.eu.net, gatekeeper.dec.com, prep.ai.mit.edu.
- "nn" is yet another reader interface, developed by Kim F. Storm of Texas
- Instruments A/S, Denmark, and released in 1989. nn differs from the
- traditional readnews and vnews by presenting a menu of article subject
- and sender-name lines, allowing you to preselect articles to read. nn is
- also a very fast newsreader, as it keeps a database of article headers
- on-line. (I.e. it trades space for time. A good rule of thumb is that
- the nn database size is 5%-10% of your news spool. So up to 110% of your
- news spool is the amount of space news and the nn database will take.)
- nn is now maintained by Peter Wemm <peter@dialix.oz.au>, and the "offical"
- ftp location is the /pub/nn directory on uniwa.uwa.edu.au. The current
- version of nn is 6.4.18. Non-Australian sites should request the sources
- from their nearest backbone site.
- Yet another newsreader is the "tin" reader. It operates with threads, uses
- NOV-style index files if available, has different article organization
- methods, and is full-screen oriented. tin works on a local news spool or
- over an NNTP connection. It has been posted to alt.sources; further
- information is available from Iain Lea (iain.lea@erlm.siemens.de). The
- current release of tin is 1.22. Tin is based more on the Notes and tass
- systems than "rn". There is an extensive list of features, including
- interfaces to batch modes and auto unpacking mechanisms. The official ftp
- site for tin is ftp.germany.eu.net, the Unix version can be found in
- /pub/news/newsreader/unix/tin and the OS/2 version in
- /pub/news/newsreader/os2/tin
- Pine(tm) --a Program for Internet News & Email-- is a tool for reading,
- sending, and managing electronic messages. It was designed specifically
- with novice computer users in mind, but can be tailored to accommodate the
- needs of "power users" as well. Pine uses Internet news and mail message
- protocols and runs on Unix and PCs. Pine is copyrighted, but freely
- available. The latest version, including source code, can be found on
- the Internet host "ftp.cac.washington.edu" in the file "pine/pine.tar.Z"
- (accessible via anonymous FTP). To try Pine out from the Internet, you
- may telnet to "demo.cac.washington.edu" and login as "pinedemo". There
- is also a Pine-specific Internet news group (comp.mail.pine). For
- further information, send e-mail to pine@cac.washington.edu. Pine was
- originally based on Elm, but there is little if any Elm code left. Pine
- is the work of Mike Seibel, Steve Hubert, Mark Crispin, Sheryl Erez,
- David Miller and Laurence Lundblade* at the University of Washington
- Office of Computing and Communications. Pine and Pico are trademarks of
- the University of Washington. (* Laurence is now at Virginia Tech.)
- An NNTP newsreader for Macintoshs is available called HyperNews. It is
- implemented as a HyperCard stack and depends on MacTCP. It is available
- from many Mac archives, including ftp.apple.com and
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
- A newsreader preferred by many Macintosh users is NewsWatcher by by
- j-norstad@nwu.edu (John Norstad). The current version is 2.0b8 and is
- available in ftp.acns.nwu.edu:/pub/newswatcher.
- Nuntius is another newsreader for the Mac, written by Peter Speck
- <speck@ruc.dk>. It can be obtained from frederik.ruc.dk, or the Cornell
- mirror site ftp.cit.cornell.edu in /pub/mac/comm/test.
- There is also an NNTP-based netnews reader for Symbolics Lisp Machines
- (under Genera 7) available for anonymous FTP from ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- [] in pub/nntp-clients/lispm written by Ian Connolly
- <connolly@coins.cs.umass.edu> and maintained by Richard Welty
- <welty@lewis.crd.ge.com>. In addition, another NNTP-based news
- browser is available running under Genera 7 and Genera 8. It provides
- mouse driven hierarchic browsing of newsgroups and articles, with
- support for X11 servers on remote machines. It is available for
- anonymous FTP on flash.bellcore.com [] in the directory
- pub/lispm/news-reader/. It is written and maintained by Peter
- Clitherow <pc@bellcore.com>
- A TOPS-20 reader was developed by Dave Edwards of SRI
- <dle@kl.sri.com>, but current availability is unknown. An NNTP reader
- suite for PC's running MS-DOS and having Excelan boards is available
- for ftp from ames.arc.nasa.gov; get the pcrrn files. There are two
- MS-DOS news readers that can be obtained from bcm.tmc.edu in the "nfs"
- directory. They both require PC-NFS (from Sun) to work. They will
- both work under PC/TCP from FTP Software early this year. Source will
- be provided at that time.
- "trumpet" is a NNTP based news reader for DOS and Windows. There is Lan
- Workplace version which is also available. It runs over packet drivers,
- which can work side-by-side with a Novell Network. For information on
- the Crynwr Packet Driver Collection, send mail to <info@crynwr.com> or
- send a FAX to +1-315-268-9201. Trumpet offers a very intuitive interface
- with most of the basic facilities required in a newsreader (but without
- some of the 'bells and whistles found in something like rn). It has
- facilities for using SMTP to forward/reply etc. The latest version is
- 1.07 and is shareware available at most main ftp sites.
- trumpet ftp.utas.edu.au:/pc/trumpet/
- wintrumpet ftp.utas.edu.au:/pc/trumpet/wintrump/*.*
- "WinVN" is a public domain NNTP newsreader for Microsoft Windows and
- Windows NT. There are versions available for WINSOCK, Novell LWP, and
- DEC Pathworks/LanMan. It supports the XOVER extension, and can display
- articles in thread trees. SMTP and MAPI outgoing mail are supported.
- The latest version is 0.99.2. Sources and binaries are always available
- from:
- ftp.ksc.nasa.gov:[.pub.win3.winvn].
- ripem.msu.edu:/pub/pc/win/winvn/titan.ksc.nasa.gov (mirror).
- Details on several newsreaders for systems running "Waffle" may be
- found in the FAQ posted to the comp.bbs.waffle newsgroup on a regular
- basis. At least 8 different readers are available, and all can be
- obtained via ftp and mailserver from ftp.halcyon.com (look in
- /pub/waffle/news).
- Details on many other mail and news readers for MSDOS, Windows and OS/2
- systems can be found in the FAQ posted to the comp.os.msdos.mail-news.
- At least one IBM VM/SP (CMS) version of the Usenet software is
- available. It is known as PSU NetNews, and it is maintained by Linda
- Littleton (lrl@psuvm.bitnet/psuvm.psu.edu). Version 2.4 of the
- software is available from LISTSERV@PSUVM. PSU NetNews supports only
- 3270 terminals, and uses XEDIT as its screen driver. Most major VM
- sites appear to use this package. NetNews supports locally-stored
- news, not NNTP reading.
- Since January 1993, a complete NNTP server is available for VM systems.
- It provides news reading, posting and feed processing compatible to the
- Unix NNTP implementations. The code is written in IBM's VM Rexx.
- It assumes that you already have installed PSU VM NETNEWS. The VM NNTP
- package, written by Kris Van Hees (gutest6@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be) who also
- takes care of the maintenance. The current version is 1.0.1 and requires
- IBM's FAL TCP/IP and Arty Ecock's RXSOCKET which is available from the
- IBMTCP FIELLIST on listserv@pucc. The VM NNTP package can be obtained
- from the NNTP PACKAGE on listserv@blekul11.
- There is NNTP support for PSU NetNews for bulk news receipt: NNTPXFER
- will poll another site for news, and NNTPRCVR will receive news sent
- from a Unix NNTPXMIT process. Either program sends the news articles
- to NetNews for processing. Contact Andy Hooper (hooper@qucdn.bitnet
- or qucdn.queensu.ca) for more information, or obtain them from
- listserv@qucdn in PUBLIC FILELIST. These programs are provided with
- source, and require IBM's FAL TCP/IP and Pascal. An NNTPXMIT sender
- that works in cooperation with PSU NETNEWS is available from Herman
- Van Uytven (SYSTHVU@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be).
- There is at least one NNTP news-reader for VM using XEDIT as its
- screen manager: NNR. Contact Paul Campbell (pc@mbunix.mitre.org) for
- information. The program requires IBM's FAL TCP/IP. The software is
- available for anonymous ftp from ftp.uni-stuttgart.de
- in the directory pub/comm/news/beginner/software/nnr/*.
- An NNTP news reader is available for TSO/ISPF, called NNMVS. NNMVS is
- written by Steve Bacher <seb@draper.com> at Draper Laboratory. It
- requires C/370 V1R2 or SAS/C; ISPF V2; and TCP/IP for MVS (either
- IBM's "FAL" or SNS). It is now available via anonymous ftp at
- ftp.uni-stuttgart.de under the directory
- /pub/comm/news/beginner/software/nnmvs and from ftp.mic.ucla.edu,
- directory /pub/mvs/netnews. The current version is Version 3
- Release 2. There's also an object-code-only distribution for folks
- without C compilers, but that's an at-your-own-risk distribution,
- and requires the IBM C/370 run-time library. The source code
- distribution can be compiled with either C/370 or SAS/C.
- Newsfeed management software
- ------------------------
- Gup, the Group Update Program is a Unix mail-server program that lets a
- remote site change their newsgroups subscription on their news feed
- without requiring the intervention of the news administrator at the feed
- site. Gup operates with the INN (and likely the C News) batching
- mechanisms. The news administrators at the remote sites simply mail
- commands to gup to make changes to their own site's subscription list.
- The mail/interface is password protected. Gup checks the requests for
- valid newsgroup names, patterns that have no effect and so on. Gup's
- authors are Mark Delany <markd@mira.net.au> and Andrew Herbert
- <andrew@mira.net.au>. Its official ftp location is
- bushwire.mira.net.au:/pub/external/gup-0.4.tar.gz, but since that's not
- as well connected as uunet, people are strongly advised to obtain it from
- a mirror site. eg. ftp.uu.net:/networking/news/misc/gup-0.4.tar.gz
- dynafeed is a package from Looking Glass Software Limited that maintains a
- .newsrc for every remote site and generates the batches for them. Remote
- sites can use uucp or run a program to change their .newsrc dynamically. It
- comes with a program that the remote site can run to monitor readership in
- newsgroups and dynamically update the feed list to match reader interest.
- The goal of this is to get a feed that sends only exactly the groups
- currently being read. dynafeed can be obtained from ftp.clarinet.com as
- sources/dynafeed.tar.Z.
- News processing software
- ------------------------
- Software also exists to automatically archive Usenet newsgroups. The package
- rkive, written by Kent Landfield <kent@sterling.com> can be configured to
- archive news automatically based on different headers -- Archive-Name,
- Volume-Issue, Chronological, Subject and External-Command to name a few. It
- can be run in batch mode from the command line or from cron. It can also be
- installed in the sys/newsfeeds file to process articles as they are
- received. rkive supports local spool directories as well as NNTP based
- access. rkive is available via ftp from ftp.sterling.com in the directory
- /rkive.
- Newsclip is a programming language for writing news filtering programs, from
- Looking Glass Software Limited, marketed by ClariNet Communications Corp. It
- is C-like, and translates to C, so a C compiler is required. It has
- data-types to represent the kinds of things found in article headers and
- bodies. It can maintain databases of users, message-ids, patterns,
- subjects, etc. These can be used to decide whether to ignore or select an
- article. Newsclip can either operate as a standalone program or as part of
- rn. It is free for non-commercial use and is available from ftp.clarinet.com
- as sources/nc.tar.Z. Contact clari-info@clarinet.com with
- a subject line of "newsclip" for more info.
- Special note on "notes" and old versions of news
- ------------------------------------------------
- Many years ago, there was another distributed "news" system called
- "notes". The "notes" software package used a different internal
- organization of articles, and a different interchange format than that
- of the standard Usenet software. It was inspired by the notesfiles
- available in the PLATO system and was developed independently from the
- Usenet news. Eventually, the "notes" network and Usenet were joined
- via gateways doing (sometimes imperfect) protocol translation.
- "notes" was written in 1980-1981 by Ray Essick and Rob Kolstad, (then)
- grad students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The
- first public release of "notes" was at the January 1982 Usenix
- conference. The last release of notes was version 1.7; it is no
- longer being actively maintained.
- "B" news software is currently considered obsolete. Unix sites
- joining the Usenet should install C news or INN to ensure proper
- behavior and good performance. Most old B news software had
- compiled-in limits on the number of newsgroups and the number of
- articles per newsgroup; the increasing volume of news means that B
- news software cannot reliably cope with a moderately-full newsfeed.
- Software versions & availability
- --------------------------------
- You can obtain the version number of your news software by issuing
- some form of "v" command to show the current version -- consult the
- man page for details. Current software is obtainable from almost any
- major Usenet site as well as the sites noted in the body of the
- article, above.
- The following sites probably have sources to the current news software
- available for anyone needing a copy:
- Site Contact
- ---- -------
- munnari kre@munnari.oz.au
- osu-cis postmaster@cis.ohio-state.edu
- philabs usenet@philabs.philips.com
- pyramid usenet@pyramid.com
- rutgers usenet@rutgers.edu
- tektronix news@tektronix.tek.com
- watmath usenet@watmath.waterloo.edu
- uunet info@uunet.uu.net
- Sources for most of the news readers and software, including news
- 2.11, C News, "rn", and "trn" are also available in the
- comp.sources.unix archives. European sites should request the sources
- from their nearest backbone site.
- The "archie" service can be used to locate ftp archives containing
- various news software packages. There are regular postings in the
- comp.answers newsgroup about how to use the "archie" service.
- For a relatively low price, you can buy one of many CD-ROM distributions
- of freely-redistributable software. This may be cheaper than a
- long-distance phone call.
- Standards
- ---------
- News programs communicate with each other according to standard
- protocols, some of which are described by RFCs. An RFC is a Request For
- Comment, a de facto standard in the Internet Community. It is a form of
- software standard, published by the Internet Network Information Center
- (InterNIC). Copies of RFCs are often posted to the net and obtainable
- from archive sites. Current news-related RFCs include the following:
- RFC 822 specifies the format of messages; RFC 1036 uses this.
- RFC 977 specifies NNTP, the Network News Transfer Protocol.
- RFC 1036 specifies the format of Usenet articles.
- RFC 1123 amends RFC 822.
- RFC 1153 specifies the digest format some moderated groups use.
- See the accompanying posting "How to Get Information about Networks"
- for instructions on getting copies of the RFCs.
- Henry Spencer has a draft of a successor to RFC1036 that attempts to
- document and explain all subsequent enhancements and existing practice as
- implemented in the newer news systems. This draft (often called
- son-of-1036) can be obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.zoo.toronto.edu as
- /pub/news.txt.Z (the text version) or /pub/news.ps.Z (a PostScript
- version). Son-of-1036 is intended to be stand-alone reading and does not
- require that one also read RFCs 822 or 1123.
- Newsgroups
- ----------
- The following newsgroups cover issues discussed in this article, and can
- be consulted for recent developments.
- bit.listserv.netnws-l Discussion about NetNews on VM systems.
- gnu.emacs.gnews News reading under GNU Emacs using Weemba's Gnews.
- gnu.emacs.gnus News reading under GNU Emacs using GNUS (in English).
- news.software.anu-news VMS B-news software from Australian National Univ.
- news.software.b Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
- news.software.nn Discussion about the "nn" news reader package.
- news.software.notes Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
- news.software.readers General discussion about news reading software.
- news.software.nntp The Network News Transfer Protocol.
- comp.os.msdos.mail-news Administering mail & network news systems under MS-DOS.
- comp.protocols.tcp-ip TCP and IP network protocols.
- comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
- alt.usenet.offline-reader Packages for reading mail/news off-line.
- The following periodic postings in the news.software.b and news.answers
- newsgroups are useful for people interested in news transport software.
- Mark Linimon "News.software.b: Introduction to news.software.b"
- Mark Linimon "News.software.b Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)"
- Mark Linimon "C News Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)"
- Rob Robertson "FAQ: Overview database / NOV General Information"
- Tom Limoncelli "INN FAQ Part 1/4: General Information"
- Tom Limoncelli "INN FAQ Part 2/4: Debugging Guide & Tutorial"
- Tom Limoncelli "INN FAQ Part 3/4: Operational and Misc. Questions"
- Tom Limoncelli "INN FAQ Part 4/4: Appendix A: Norman's install guide"
- The following FAQ is posted periodically to news.software.anu-news
- and news.answers.
- Bob Sloane "FAQ: news.software.anu-news"
- Users on MS-DOS machines should take a look at the FAQ posted periodically
- to comp.os.msdos.mail-news.
- Russell Schulz "comp.os.msdos.mail-news FAQ (01/02) intro"
- Russell Schulz "comp.os.msdos.mail-news FAQ (02/02) intro"
- The following FAQs posted to alt.usenet.offline-reader and news.answers
- are useful for people interested in off-line news readers.
- Russell Schulz "alt.usenet.offline-reader FAQ (01/02) intro"
- Russell Schulz "alt.usenet.offline-reader FAQ (02/02) software"
- Acknowledgements
- ----------------
- The preparation of this article (and Usenet itself!) was greatly
- enhanced by the contributions and assistance of the following persons:
- Steve Bellovin, Ray Essick, Mark Horton, Brian Kantor, Phil Lapsley,
- Bob Page, Rich Salz, Tom Truscott, and Larry Wall. Thanks, folks.